Did you know that many of our customers are not human? We love our four legged patients! We are excited for the opportunity to work on something for the four legged member of your family. Recently I visited with a veterinarian and he said that one of the top three reasons that you might bring your dog to see him is for an ear infection. He said that many dogs have allergies that lead to chronic ear infections.

“Salem” – Winner of Cutest Dog Photo Contest! Submitted by Angela Russell
Since there are a lot of dogs with ear infections, we decided to work on improving the medications that are commonly used for this condition.

We asked a few veterinarians about problems that are common with these medications and here is what they said:
Owners don’t use the ear drops as often as it is prescribed. Many of the ear drops that are prescribed have to be administered 2 to 3 times a day.
Dogs will sometimes shake their head so hard that the medicine slings out and make a mess or they will go home and want to rub their ears on the floor or furniture. Ear drops on the couch don’t work as well as in the dog’s ear.
So almost 2 years ago we attempted to solve these two problems. And what we came up with has been impressive to say the least.
We were able to formulate a combination of medications for the treatment of common ear infections that is administered one time at the veterinarians office. This formulation is a liquid when administered and within seconds goes down into the ear canal of the dog and forms a gel. This gel stays in place for five days up to a week and then dissolves into the ear.
We now have 5 veterinarians that use this product on all of the ear infections that they see. The response is overwhelmingly positive from the veterinarians and from the dog owners. If you would like your veterinarian to try this formulation out for your dog, let me know and I will contact your veterinarian to discuss this option further.
The featured dog photo above is of “Salem” sent to us by Angela Russell, the winner of our Cutest Dog Photo Contest we had last week. The other darlings are the ones that we couldn’t resist publicizing also because they were all so adorable. It was very difficult for us to choose a winner. Thanks to all who participated!
If you would like to know about other challenges we can help you with in treating your pet read more here: http://regelpharmalab.com/blog/veterinary/
What kinds of challenges have you faced with previous ear solutions you have tried in the past? Comment below.